ask gutterpupper

Question box status: OPEN

Hey there!! My question box is a space for fans or fellow creators to reach out and get in touch. You can ask me about my characters, information about kinks suggest ideas you might like to see, or just general horny yelling.I am also open to helping creators navigate their time online (through the likes of advice on using sites, understanding terms getting to grips with risk), though I may blog these responses on my website as The Pupper.


  • • Please keep questions fun, yet respectful

  • • I reserve the right to refuse to answer a question

  • • The absence of a question being answered does not confirm my personal stance or belief on the topic

  • • Any questions not deemed to be asked in good faith will be deleted

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If you want a personal or direct response, please leave a social media handle (Twitter / X, BlueSky, Tumblr, PillowFort only) or an email address.NOTE: If you wish to stay anonymous, please leave the first box blank.


Your message has been sent! If you supplied an email address, I'll look to reply to you there. If you supplied a social media handle, check there.

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